11ème Prix FIR-PRI Finance & Développement Durable

2005 FIR Award was launched to foster academic research on subjects in Finance and Sustainability. By building bridges between the academic and finance communities and their stakeholders, the FIR Award promotes practically relevant academic research and encourages broader disciplinary development of responsible investment scholarship. The long-term goal of the FIR award is to build a network of researchers in this field.In 2011, the FIR Award created a partnership with the PRI to advance a joint programme to meet these goals. Aspects of this partnership are the development of an international resource database and coordination between the annual PRI Academic Conference and FIR Award Presentation.

The FIR-PRI award is open to researchers and students with European passports and/or to those who are affiliated with European research institutions and/or whose focus of research is Europe. Eligible candidates are invited to submit Master Thesis, PhD Thesis, published articles, Academic Case Studies / MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses) or grant proposals.

Submissions may be accepted in French or English

Four awards Best Master’s Thesis, Best PhD Thesis, Best published Academic Article, Best Academic Case Study / MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) valued at €5,000.00 each and one research grant (Only PhD) valued at €10,000.00 will be rewarded.


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