3rd EMES-Polanyi International Seminar – Roskilde University (RUC), Denmark – April 2018
The abstract submission deadline for the 3rd EMES-Polanyi International Seminar is next 28th of February. The Seminar will be hosted by EMES’ institutional member, Centre for Social Entrepreneurship at Roskilde University (RUC), Denmark, from 16th and 17th of April 2018. The event is co-organized by COST through the EMPOWER-SE Action.
The title « Welfare societies in transition – Polanyi revisited through the lens of welfare state, social democracy and solidarity economy » draws attention to the focus of contributions sought: the role of civil society and citizen-driven initiatives in times of retreating mass oriented solidarity through public redistribution, new or desirable relationships between collective action and public institutions to address social inequalities, and the promotion of a new socio-economic paradigms that foster freedom and achieve the inclusion of diverse groups within the framework of the nation state.
The Seminar is structured around five thematic axes:
- Promoting institutional-reciprocal welfare linked to Polanyian terms of reciprocity and redistribution;
- Solidarity economy and commons managing public goods;
- Dialogue between public policy and civil society;
- People-centered social innovation and participatory governance; and
- Action research as a tool to facilitate and scale social mobilization.
Read the complete Call for Papers here.
Deadline for abstract submission: 29th of February 2018
Submit your abstracts here.
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