Award Ceremony of the 7th. Edition of the global Prize ‘Ethics & Trust in Finance’. – Paris – 18 Novembre

The ceremony will be hosted by the OECD and take place at the headquarters in Paris on Monday 18th. November 2019 (17h30-19h30), followed by a cocktail, with a keynote address by Ángel Gurría, Secretary General of the OECD.
Full programme will follow shortly.
Register for the Event

Please register by sending an email to . Limited number of places.

The nominees of this 7th edition are:

  • Andrea Bancone, « The Moralization of Contracts : An Islamic Perspective »
  • Mikael Homanen, « Voting With Your Wallet »
  • Aleksander Kowalski, « Ethical Aspects of Bank Resolution »
  • Mateusz Kucz, « How to Shape Moral Attitudes in Banking – the Polish example »
  • Adam Morris, « The product complexity and ethical behavior »
  • Marta Rocchi, « Technomoral Financial Agents: Ethics in the Fintech Era »
  • Andrea Roncella & Luca Roncella, « Finance needs ‘bilinguals’ too
  • Christopher Stubbs, « Is off-shoring ethical? »
  • Monika Swaczyna-Pruchnik, « Conduct Capital Buffer »
  • Colin Sweetman, « Central ratings index for ethics and trust in finance »
  • Matthew Wharton, « Beyond the code of ethics – measuring corporate culture »
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