Lancement des Principes des Nations Unies pour la banque responsable


PNUE-FI, le partenariat entre le Programme environnement des Nations Unies et plus de 200 institutions financières a lancé les Principes des Nations Unies pour la banque responsable (PRB ONU) le 26 Novembre 2018 à Paris. Les principes ont été élaborés par un groupe restreint de 28 banques à travers le monde(…).

The Future of Banking

“The global banking industry is stepping up to the sustainability challenge. I’m optimistic we’ll see a realignment of business practice – one that embraces the fact that green and socially responsible business is the best business.”

~ Satya Tripathi, Assistant Secretary-General, UN Environment


What will the Principles for Responsible Banking achieve?

As society’s expectations change, banks must be transparent and clear about how their products and services will create value for their customers, clients, investors, as well as society. The Principles for Responsible Banking will help any bank – whatever its starting point – to align its business strategy with society’s goals.

The Principles provide the framework for the sustainable banking system of the future, and help the industry to demonstrate how it makes a positive contribution to society.

They will accelerate the banking industry’s contribution to achieving society’s goals as expressed in the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement.

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