Séminaire du RT 30 – Sociologie de la Gestion – Global Management, Local Resistances – Jeudi 28 Mai 14h-17h, CNAM, Paris

Une discussion autour de l’ouvrage Global Management, Local Resistances se tiendra au CNAM avec des interventions de Ulrike Schuerkens et Michel Villette le 28 mai 2015.

Présentation du livre :

This book originates from a research project involving extensive collection and analysis of primary and secondary materials (scholarly literature, statistical data, and interviews with key actors) on global management and local resistances in all major world regions during the last years. It seeks to assess the overall management situation in the world, looking at the world as a social system where some countries act as winners of socioeconomic globalization, others as losers, and some as both. Offering analytical and comparative insights at the global level, this book will be useful for scholars, students, NGOs, and policy makers.

Pour plus de détails : http://rt30.free.fr/seminairesrt30.html

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