When commons meet law and policy 20-22 Octobre 2016 Paris, France

L’Ecole de Droit de SciencesPo organise du 20 au 22 octobre prochain la 3ème conférence internationale sur les communs de la connaissance, en collaboration ave l’Association Internationale sur l’étude des commons fondée par Elinor Ostrom.  http://knowledgecommons.paris/

When commons meet law and policy

20-22 Octobre 2016

Paris, France

Building upon the successful 2012 and 2014 thematic IASC conferences on knowledge commons, this third conference aims to look at the normative effects and institutionalization of the many initiatives based on knowledge commons and how commons provide new legal tools, public policy choices, and forms of social, economic and governance innovations. To this purpose the conference aims to take stock of the latest developments in public policies and legal initiatives around knowledge commons, as well as how the attempts to give a proper legal definition of commons in different countries bring changes in law and property regimes.  In Italy a commission has proposed to introduce the notion of commons as a new legal concept aside private property and public property; in 2015, a French bill has considered creating a notion of informational commons to protect the public domain. In many cities, commons are becoming a building block of new public policies and deliberations processes. Law seems to become the new battlefield for the commons.

The key questions that this conference will cover are the sustainability of knowledge commons that could be achieved by giving normative effects to the relationships and collectiveness they create, the possible articulation between grassroots commons movements and  law and public policy, To such end, examples of governance models or legal revisions organizing commons in diverse countries will be studied, particularly as far as knowledge commons are concerned.

Keynote speakers:

Serge Gutwirth (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)

Isabelle Stengers (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

Maria Rosaria Marella (University of Perugia)

Judith Rochfeld (Université de Paris 1)

Julie Cohen (Georgetown University)

Geertrui van Overwalle (University of Leuven)

Michael Madison (University of Pittsburgh)

Jeremy de Beer (University of Ottawa)

The conference starts on Thursday 20th October 2016 with an opening lecture and reception at 5pm and continues on the 21st and 22d of October.

For program, practical information and registration seehttp://knowledgecommons.paris/

The program will develop the following tracks:

Track 1 – Knowledge commons in legal and public policy strategies

Track 2 -Indigenous and local communities’ knowledge and social practices

Track 3 – Legal concepts to encapsulate knowledge commons

Track 4 – Libraries and knowledge-pools

Track 5 – New collectivities and agencies

Track 6 – Scientific research as commons

Track 7 – Knowledge commons in the city

Scientific Organisation: Prof. Severine Dusollier , Law School, SciencesPo Paris & International Association for the Study of the Commons.

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