Doctoral Workshop in Management Control & Accounting Paris Dauphine – PSL Research University Monday 26th of June 2017 8:00 – 19:00

Dauphine Research in Management (DRM) is pleased to announce the third edition of its Doctoral Workshop in Management Control & Accounting.
This year, we are honored to welcome as guest-speaker three established academics in the management control & accounting field:

Aalto University
(Helsinki, Findland)

Penelope TUCK
University of Birmingham
(Birmingham, United-Kingdom)

HEC Paris
(Paris, France)

The aim of this workshop is to provide doctoral students and young scholars with a rare opportunity to discuss their work with each other as well as with established accounting scholars. 45 to 60 minutes will be dedicated to each emerging scholar to get rich and in-depth feedbacks on their research (research paper or doctoral thesis statement).
We will select approximately 8 participants who will be expected to give short, informal presentations of their work during the Workshop, to be followed by extensive group discussion.

Applicants should be Ph.D. students or young scholars in Management Control or Accounting (or related, Audit for example). They should send a 10 to 15-page document (excluding references) that includes if applicable or possible:
– Author information (Name – Institution – eventually Name of thesis advisor)
– A literature review and/or a theoretical framework
– A research question
– Anticipated results or preliminary findings or expected results
– A discussion

Please note that all documents must be sent in Word format and PDF in English and respect the following format: TNR 12; line space 1,5; margin 2,5. In order to submit a proposal for the Doctoral Workshop, please send your document to Wafa BEN KHALED: before May the 31st 2017.
We also accept audience for this workshop which means that you can assist to the workshop and participate to the discussion of researches that will be presented. To do so, please fill-up this form:

For any further information regarding this workshop, please feel free to contact one of the organizers
Team of organizers:
Wafa BEN KHALED – Paris Dauphine – PSL Research University

Nicolas BERLAND – Paris Dauphine – PSL Research University

Clarence BLUNTZ – Paris Dauphine – PSL Research University

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