Offre doctorale – Social Enterprises and Sustainability – Université Catholique de Louvain

The CIRTES ( and the IRES ( research centres of Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) are hiring a doctoral researcher for a research project on Social Enterprises and Sustainability. The PhD researcher will work under the supervision of Anaïs Périlleux, Professor in Social Economy (Economics of Third Sector) and will complete a doctoral training programme (
The position is for two years, with the possibility to renew for another two years (1,900 €/month after taxes, including retirement and health benefits). The deadline for application is September 15,
2018. The scholarship will start in mid-October 2018.

Research project. – Are social enterprises sustainable? A comparative analysis between worker
cooperatives and social cooperatives

Cooperatives, one of the oldest types of social enterprises, have received fresh attention because they can play an important role in social and ecological transition. This research project will focus on the sustainability of worker cooperatives and the new wave of so-called “social cooperatives”.
First, it will analyse the resilience of worker cooperatives, to the recent crisis. Secondly, it will look at “social cooperatives” and investigate their survivability. Thirdly, it will explore the institutional arrangements/governance structure of worker cooperatives and social cooperatives to analyse their similarities and divergences and to see to what extent those organisations can be understood as commons.


  • To be holder of a Master degree (120 credits) in Economics, Business Economics, or Statistics, completed at least with honours.
  • An interest in Social Economy and Sustainable Development.
  • Strong methodological skills, including a good background in Econometrics, scientific rigor, conceptual ability, and sensitivity to social issues are key for this position;
  • Fluency in English is a must. French is considered as an advantage;
  • Highly motivated, team minded, but also able to work independently.

Applications. – Should be sent not later than September 15, 2018 to Prof. Anaïs Périlleux
. They should be submitted in English and must include the following:

  • A letter of motivation,
  • A full resume (including grades)
  • A copy of the Master diploma (including grades)
  • Contacts and details of two academic referees
  • The master thesis (if available, full text and abstract)

A decision will be taken shortly afterwards. Do not hesitate to send a mail for more info

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