Call for applications for 3-year oikos PhD fellowship on finance and sustainability at the University of Zurich

Now open: Call for applications for 3-year oikos PhD fellowship on #finance and #sustainability at the University of Zurich.

PhD Fellowship Program oikos “Finance and Sustainability”, Department of Banking and Finance at the University of Zurich, Switzerland
Deadline for applications : November 10, 2015

More info:

oikos and the University of Zurich are inviting applications from qualified candidates for an oikos PhD Fellowship at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, starting in February 2016. The fellowship will provide a 3-year grant for a PhD focused on “Finance and Sustainability” at the University of Zurich’s Department of Banking and Finance. oikos PhD Fellows receive a monthly stipend of 3’000 CHF as well as a travel and research budget of 3’600 CHF per year.

Successful applicants need to demonstrate outstanding analytical skills, solid knowledge of finance, a commitment to sustainability, as well as strong leadership and personal competences. They also have to fulfil the requirements for doctoral studies at the Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology of the University of Zurich. In addition, fluent English is a must. Additional language skills are an advantage.

The deadline for applications for the current selection round is November 10, 2015.

For further information please download the call for applications here or contact us at .

The application package can be found here: oikos PhD Finance Fellowship Application 2015 /   oikos PhD Finance Fellowship Recommendation 2015

If you would like to receive the application and recommendation letter forms as a word file, please let us know by writing an email to

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