« Call for volume proposal » pour la collection « Critical studies on Corporate Responsability, Governance and Sustainability » animée par Willam Sun (Leeds Uni. – UK)
Call for Volume Proposals
The internationally recognized and well received book series Critical Studies on Corporate Responsibility, Governance and Sustainability has published 11 volumes from 2010 through to 2016, with more being planned. It will continue to publish high quality volumes offering fresh insights, thought provoking ideas, and cutting-edge knowledge for academics, students, practitioners, regulators and policy makers.
The series publishes both edited volumes and authored books. The volume editors, contributors and book authors are experts, scholars, researchers and consultants from both developed and developing countries. The series promotes innovative ideas, best practices, and critical thinking in the subject areas of corporate governance, corporate responsibility, business ethics and sustainability. For example, in the field of critical management studies, a particular interest is exploring how to address ongoing economic, social and environmental crises. One may lead to questioning the conventional role and function of finance and redefining the relationship between finance and society. The challenge would be to rethink the epistemological and theoretical foundation of modern finance and argue for the re-embeddedness of finance in environmental and social welfare. The series encourages holistic thoughts, cross-disciplinary research, multiple perspectives and the use of various research approaches and methods.
The series editorial team invite potential volume editors or authors to discuss their volume proposals or initial ideas and suggestions. All volume proposals will be reviewed by the editorial team, members of the editorial board, or specially assigned experts. Further information of the series can be found on the website: http://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/products/books/series.htm?id=2043-9059
If you would like to discuss possible contributions to the series, please contact any member of the editorial team by email:
Dr. William Sun, Leeds Business School, UK, email:
Professor Bernard Paranque, Kedge Business School, France, email:
Dr. Ralph Bathurst, Massey University, New Zealand, email:
Published volumes so far:
Finance and Economy for Society: Integrating Sustainability, Volume 11
Finance Reconsidered: New Perspectives for a Responsible and Sustainable Finance, Volume 10
The Human Factor in Social Capital Management: The Owner-Manager Perspective, Volume 9
Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability: Emerging Trends in Developing Economies, Volume 8
Socially Responsible Investment in the 21st Century: Does it Make a Difference for Society? Volume 7
Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility: Perspectives and Practice, Volume 6
Institutional Investors’ Power to Change Corporate Behaviour: International Perspectives, Volume 5
Corporate Social Irresponsibility: A Challenge Concept, Volume 4
Business & Sustainability: Concepts, Strategies and Changes, Volume 3
Finance and Sustainability: Towards a New Paradigm? A Post-Crisis Agenda, Volume 2
Reframing Corporate Social Responsibility: Lessons for the Global Financial Crisis, Volume 1
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